Worship With Us
8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
You will enjoy our uplifting positive services where God’s Word is proclaimed and law and gospel are preached with relevant messages that will challenge and strengthen.
Our worship features a warm friendly atmosphere, worship and praise in music and word, a commitment to the Bible as God’s holy Word, and Bible teaching for all ages.
All ages are welcome to worship in the sanctuary. Risen Christ believes that children from infant on up should worship with their families.
Sunday Worship at Risen Christ is typically based on the Lutheran Service Book. The order of service is printed in the bulletin. The congregation, accompanied by an organ, sings traditional hymns.
Communion is offered on the 1st and 3rd (and 5th) Sundays of each month and at other services throughout the year.
We believe that Holy Communion is a participation in the body and blood of Jesus that unites us together in a common faith. We respectfully request that those who have not been instructed and confirmed in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod please speak with the pastor before attending the Lord’s Supper with us.
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